Recently my husband has lost a bunch of weight. So yesterday Mike tells me with a heavy heart that his wedding ring fell off his finger at some point in the day. He had retraced his steps and couldn't find it anywhere. I asked him if we could pray to find it. So we did. And then I went out the garage and in the driveway and every other place I could think of. No ring. Privately I told the Lord it would really mean a lot to me if He would let Mike find it because I knew it would really speak to Mike in a special way, for the Lord to answer such a small prayer that matters so much to us.
I hoped in my heart the Lord would answer me as He has so mercifully in so many other ways. Yesterday, no ring. Today, no ring. I have to be honest, when it didn't show up right away yesterday I started giving myself the mental out, and Mike too. I told him not to worry if we couldn't find it we would just go back to the jewelers and replace it, no big deal. But in my heart I hoped. Hoped that God would once again answer my prayer. For some reason when He does that for me, it speaks to me. I guess because its an amazing thought to know that the God of the Universe, who knows all things, knows where it is. You see to me, its in these moments that I realize the vast chasm between Christianity and other religions.
Because I don't merely seek a state of peaceful being, worship a lofty God not to be bothered with such trivialities, or simply ponder the wisdom of timeless truth; I worship an all knowing, all powerful God who is personal. So personal that such a prayer isn't scorned by Him. Tonight as I was washing the dishes (yes it means the dishes had been in the sink since yesterday) and finally got to the bottom of them, there it was. Mike's ring. He didn't have to. He would still be good and still be God if He hadn't said yes. But He delights to answer. He delights in our asking Him. That ring, the symbol of our covenant is also a symbol of God's covenant love to us. He sustains our promise with His; "In Him all thing hold together." Col. 1.
I love that God speaks to me with such symbolism. I can't even keep up with the symbol of my covenant. But He can. He can keep the symbol and the substance of my covenant. So--go ahead and ask. God's greatness will be manifested in just how much He will show you that He can do "exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think..." Deuteronomy 33:26 says, "There is none like the God of Jeshurun, who rides the heavens to your help, and through the skies in His majesty. The eternal God is a dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms;" I love knowing that in all things and in every season I am both fully known and firmly held in those everlasting arms.