Saturday, April 20, 2013

Christianity is Just Like Jazz

One of the things that is most misunderstood about Christianity is that people think  that being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ means uniformity. It couldn't be further from the truth. Being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ is like becoming an accomplished Jazz musician. Any really good jazz musician will tell you that to become really really good at Jazz there are basic chords and chord progressions one must learn. Mastering those doesn't mean that you play just like everyone else. Rather it means that you become equipped to spontaneously and uniquely express yourself in music. Knowing those and learning those free you up to create amazingly original expressions of  jazz.

So it is with Christianity. When we are told in Scripture to be conformed to the image of Christ, it means that we are to learn his ways: love, joy, surrender, faith, prayer, trust, hope, moral purity, self-control, abiding in Him etc....At a surface glance, these things might appear to be restrictive and suppressive of our desire for freedom. But Scripture makes it very clear; those who indulge in the flesh are conforming. They are acting like everybody else. They aren't free because they are acting under the dictates of their nature. They aren't free to do otherwise.

You know, when I hear someone "freely expressing themselves" with a series of expletives in the grocery store---I don't think "Wow, that person has so much creativity in how they speak!" Rather, I think "Hmmmm they need to find a few extra words to add to their vocabulary." Listening to someone who swears like a sailor is like listening to an episode of the smurfs. It may feel to them like they are freely and creatively expressing themselves, but to me its just the same old boring version of tacky.

We are so afraid in our basic nature that when we walk in the ways of Christ, when we learn of Him we will lose who we are. But His ways are freedom. Just like those jazz chord progressions, when I learn forgiveness, patience, love and joy....I am completely freed up to be a unique expression of Him. My gifts, my unique talents come into full bloom as I conform to Christ. So don't be afraid that conformity. It transforms you into a transposition of His love--a unique melody of His grace.

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