Sunday, May 5, 2013

We Grow in Community

James 5:16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working (ESV).

I just finished having one of the most amazing weekends of my life. I got to have a mini-reunion with several of my former roomies from my Flower Mound house. I was struck by the ease at which we moved from laughter to deep sharing and finally to prayer. There really is something divinely built about being in community. We are so wired in this society to feel that we have to face things alone. The strength of the individual is so exalted, that we really do place an expectation on ourselves to handle our struggles alone. But something really does happen when we practice sharing our struggles and asking others to bear our burden with us.  As someone who has just been freshly reminded of how freeing this is, I just want to say risk it and share yourself. If you aren't in community, ask God to give it to you and go seek it out. God's provision for you today is in community. Who are the people with whom God has surrounded you?  Let them be His hands and feet to you. There is healing to be found. You are not alone.

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