I just have to say it. I have to. I am APPALLED at the lack of commentary and response from Christians or anyone else for that matter about the transcript released regarding the selling of babies' body parts that was just released. We are an insane culture that celebrates babies and birth and pregnancy, but at the same time, has no regard for babies if they aren't wanted. WAIT...aren't wanted? By whom? By the long long waiting lists of couples dealing with infertility that have to wait a couple of years to get a baby?
What we are really saying is that underneath a woman's right to choose, which isn't really the issue and never has been, we are telling young women, "Yes, cave into the pressure to make this choice and make the realities of it go away. It's so much better and really it does matter more to not embarrass anyone than do the right thing." Isn't that what we are saying as a culture? Are we really validating women to say that their best option, their most empowered option is to make it go away. Let's just not lie. You know what I told women who came to the Crisis Pregnancy Center. "Listen, I don't care what your parents or your boyfriend, or husband or whoever thinks about you having this baby. What do you think? What decision can YOU live with because this decision is one you live with. " And I didn't make one dime off that advice. Not one. I was there for free so that girls who were scared of their boyfriends didn't let them make the decision for them.
If this recent article exposes nothing else it should clarify one thing: There is no counseling going on at Planned Parenthood regarding abortion. It is sales, people. Sales. They make money on a yes. So this whole jargon about supporting women's rights in making a decision is a bunch of garbage. Let me see some counseling that says here are ALL your options and by the way, let's be clear on one thing: This is a decision you will live with, either way. That is just a beginning of a support of women's rights. Full information, empowerment to choose either way, and clear honest straight talk about the reality that a procedure will never make her decision less of a decision she lives with, along with clearly stated information about risks of the procedure. That's treating women like people and not like potential clients. The bottom line is that the terms pro-choice and women's rights is marketing jargon pure and simple. To make women feel that by choosing this procedure they were being empowered. Most successful ad campaign of the century I think. And sadly we fell for it. Roe v. Wade should have been one decision for one woman in one situation. That's what the judicial branch does. Apply to a particular case the laws written by congress. That's not what happened. And no one cares. Case law isn't in the constitution, but I digress.
And this isn't even the most important issue here. That's not even considering the most important issue of the value of human life. The fact that if there is a mystery about human life and when it begins, we respect the guardrail of the womb and don't recklessly careen as close to the edge as possible hoping we are not going to fall off a moral cliff. The reality of the debate surrounding when human life begins really reveals the heart of what human legalism strives for: How much can I get away with? Wrong question. Wrong motive, wrong perspective. But we don't care. Because we are empowered. And after all, Planned Parenthood would say, we aren't doing anything wrong, we are just recycling what mothers don't want. We are putting it to good use. If that doesn't make you sick, we as a society are past hope. All of us. Have we just decided as a society that such issues are just too unpleasant to comment on? If this doesn't provoke moral outrage from society, we might as well round people up in carts and take them to the arena. Oh wait, we already are. Come quickly Lord Jesus.
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